Veteran Employment Services
You’ve served us, now let us serve you! We know what you have personally sacrificed for our country’s independence and collective success, and we are here with resources and support to help you find your own post-service success.
Goodwill Southern California has established a program dedicated solely to assisting veterans throughout Los Angeles (North of Rosecrans), San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. Unemployed veterans benefit from a host of services delivered via Universal Access, Core and Intensive Services. Program Specialists, former vets themselves, are uniquely qualified to respond to and address the special needs of those who have served our country and now face the challenges of transitioning into a civilian world, advance beyond their military careers and regain their independence, a sense of pride, dignity and purpose.
Veteran Employment Program advisors offers skills assessments, one-on-one career counseling, employment preparation courses, educational and technical skills classes, and work tools as well as access to a host of other partner services including shelter and housing assistance, transportation assistance, medical and dental health services, mental health and substance abuse counseling, Veterans Benefits Assistance and more – all aimed at helping veterans secure meaningful and sustainable employment.
Program Services
- One-on-One Career Counseling
- Job Search Strategies
- Access to Computer, Internet, Phone, Fax and Copier
- Resume Writing
- Computer and Skills Training
- Interview Workshops
- Financial Management
- Access to Community Resources
- Text Books, Bus Passes, and other Work Tools
- On-the-Job Training Opportunities
- Career Development and Job Leads
- Entrepreneurial Assistance
- One-year Follow-up Services
Documentation Requirements
- Current Photo ID
- Social Security Card, or Right-to-Work Documents
- DD 214, or Proof of Service Letter
- Proof of Income (e.g. EDD Unemployment Letter, GR Letter, etc.)
- Proof of Selective Service Registration (Males Only—Born after 01/01/1960)
The Veteran Employment Program is also connected with local universities, colleges, trade schools, hospitals, clinics, businesses, community based organizations, unions and government agencies to better assist veterans by providing comprehensive services for those who require assistance in overcoming multiple barriers to employment. Following is a list of partner organizations and a brief description of our collaborative work:
Los Angeles County Child Support Services Department (CSSD)
The Veteran Employment Program and CSSD are helping Veterans through a Veterans Compromise of Arrears Program (VCOAP). The goal of the program is to reach veterans who owe a significant amount of child support (arrears) and assist them in resolving their cases by achieving compliance through the modification of existing child support orders, and arranging manageable payment plans.
The Veteran Employment Program also works with CSSD to obtain a release for a veteran who may have a hold or a suspension on their Driver’s License. A Veteran Employment Program Representative can work with the CSSD towards resolving child support matters provided that the veteran signs a Release and Authorization.
Volunteers of America (VOA)
The VOA fights homelessness amongst the veteran population through the Department of Labor funding. Our collaborative work with the VOA is a two way referral process. VOA Case Workers refer veterans they have screened and deemed job ready to the Veteran Employment Program for job placement assistance. Whereas the Veteran Employment Program program refers veterans to the VOA for assistance securing housing so that they can realistically participate in job search activities.
Dress for Success
Dress for Success receives referrals from the Veteran Employment Program for female veterans in need of professional attire. Female veterans are provided with one professional outfit to attend a job interview. Once the female vet has secured employment, Dress for Success will provide one week of business attire, including accessories such as shoes, a purse, necklace and earrings. Dress for Success also provides an ongoing support group as women successfully transition into the workplace.
East Los Angeles Vet Center
East Los Angeles Vet Center is a part of the Veteran Administration Health Care System. Veteran clinics are located throughout the community for those who are unable to get to the larger VA medical center or prefer the smaller more individualized treatment that one can receive in a community setting. They offer a wide array of assistance including pharmacy refills, and mental health services. It is not uncommon to find veterans uncomfortable with the idea of walking into the large, crowded environment of a VA Hospital such as West Los Angeles. Working with ELA Vet Center, the Veteran Employment Program refers veterans who appear anxious about care, or have requested referrals for mental health services.
In addition, the Veteran Employment Program has partnered with other similar organizations such as The Soldier’s Project which offers civilian mental health services to returning combat veterans, and UCLA FOCUS which provides mental health supportive services to veterans and their families.
USC Center for Innovations and Research on Veterans and Military Families (CIR)
USC CIR has taken on the role of host for the Los Angeles Collaborative, a group of government agencies, community nonprofit organizations, and businesses whose focus is on veterans. The LA Collaborative is currently in development of an asset map of Greater Los Angeles. Veteran Employment Program participates in the employment committee with a goal of understanding, beyond the area’s current assets, the needs of today’s veterans and their families.
Other community collaborations the Veteran Employment Program contributes to include: LA County 211 Veteran Council, Congresswoman Hahn’s Veterans Committee, Assemblywoman Mitchell’s Veterans Committee, LA County Veterans Advisory Commission, Los Angeles County and City Combined WIB Veterans Training Committee.
For more information please call 323.543.8440, or email veterans@goodwillsocal.org.