Author Archives: admin

Goodwill Adds Solar to Sustainability Platform

Download PDF Goodwill Southern California (GSC) announced that after the 2012 completion of a 194.88 KW rooftop solar energy system at its San Fernando Valley regional headquarters (Lanark Street, Panorama City) it received a reimbursement check for $448,680 from the Los…

Sarah Haynes

Ms. Haynes (28 years old) was a US Marine from 2005 thru 2009. She last served at HQHQRON, MCAS, Yuma, Arizona. Ms. Haynes Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) was that of a Personnel Clerk. Her unit

Goodwill Halloween Tip – Trick-or-Treat Candy

Looking for one-of-a-kind Halloween costumes and décor ideas? Visit your local Goodwill Halloween BOOtique today and create the fun filled memories for all your little goblins, ghouls, princesses, witches and more. And remember to keep your trick-or-treaters safe by checking…

Goodwill Southern California Earth Day 2012

Goodwill Southern California celebrated Earth Day by setting a World Record for the most usable goods donated in a 24 hour period. Donors brought their clothes, books, electronics, and household items to Goodwill Southern California stores and Universal Studios Hollywood….