Author Archives: admin
Apprentice Program Answers Manufacturers’ Labor Shortage

Read about how Goodwill Southern California partnered with the U.S. Department of Labor, Community Colleges and ToolingU to establish the California Advanced Manufacturing Apprenticeship Collaborative. This program provides candidates with the skills they need to flourish in the manufacturing industry while also reducing manufacturers’ labor shortages.
Charming Charlie Donation Event
Goodwill Southern California Helps Former American Apparel Employees Re-Enter The Job Force
Local Employers Expand Apprenticeship Program
Goodwill Southern California Donation Featured On “For Peete’s Sake” Webisode

Actress Holly Robinson Peete, her husband former professional football quarterback Rodney Peete and family made a generous goods donation to Goodwill SoCal. Watch this webisode from their reality show “For Peete’s Sake” (on the Oprah Winfrey Network) and find out how they decided to declutter and start anew before their daughter Ryan goes away to college.