We are proud to share that your investment will directly impact the lives of the veterans we serve daily and will provide:
- One-on-One Career Counseling
- Outreach to Veterans
- Employment Preparation Workshops
- Educational and Technical Skills Classes and Certifications
- Access to Computer, Internet, Phone, Fax and Copier
- Customized Training Opportunities, and Employment in High Growth Sector Jobs
- Mobile Services Throughout Los Angeles County to Provide Greater Service Access
- Partnership with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- Access to Employment Opportunities with Career Pathways
- Assistive Technology for Individuals with Disabilities
- Access to Partner Services Including Housing, Transportation, Health Services, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Counseling and Veterans Benefits Assistance
Click here for our PLAYER PACKET.
Click here for our ONLINE PAYMENT FORM.
For additional information, please contact Camille Guerrero at 323.539.2185 or email cguerrero@goodwillsocal.org.
All confirmed players will receive an information packet with
tournament details and auction highlights one week prior to the event.
On behalf of the veterans served, we thank and honor our 2017 sponsors!